Can’t Handle A Quarantine!?

Tina Butt

Now is the time to listen to our bodies and minds. Stop what you are doing and reflect on what you are thinking about at this moment.

Are your thoughts negative or positive?

I can tell you, this weekend I had a bout of negative thoughts that clouded my view of what was really in front of me. I slept until 10:30 am!! If you know me, I never do this. What a complete waste of time. My first thought was, “great, how will I get everything done today?”. Then I remembered, we are on quarantine! All I had to do was clean, organize, entertain my 13 years old, and get some work finished! This angered me. I got crabby. My husband said, “What can I do so you are happy?” Because I am the positive one!!! He was talking me down from a mental break that I was headed into. SO what did I do???? I took a bath.

I sat in the tub and reflected. I did my 15 breathing exercises. the result was a clearer mind. My thoughts changed to: What a beautiful day. I made it through a very stressful week at work; I slept so long because I needed the sleep; I am well as is my family; I get to entertain my 13 year old; I get to be with my husband! This stuff is important because normally, I am so busy and side tracked that I lose sight of the normal, fun things in life. After about 15 breathing exercises, my mind settled down. My new thought for the day was……

What do I get to do with my daughter? She rarely gets to see me not on my phone. We can do fun things without interruption. Play games, practice volleyball, paint, draw, play cards, Just Dance on the Wii, go for a walk/Hike, use the swimspa, do our nails, koolaid dye her hair. This is just a small list that we came up with.

I needed to find the pathway to my higher self. I needed to find the inner thoughts that allowed me see the power of what looked like a terrible situation; to see the joy in life; to enjoy the love surrounding me; to share my wisdom with my daughter; realize this slowing down of my life can be exactly what is needed for my well-being; let there be clarity in this “terrible situation”.

Back to you; what are your thoughts and feelings right now? Is your energy field calm or under duress? The more open your mind is to your surroundings, the more centered you will become. You can control how you react or respond to what happens to you, but you cannot control other people or the life around you.

By becoming aware of your own energy field, you will then become more sensitive to others people’s energy fields. Your interaction with the people around you will improve, causing an increase in your intuition, empathy and the ability to understand others and what they are experiencing.

The end result is that you will be more accepting of others and their needs. We need more kindness in our lives at this time.

Society is going through a lot right now. Life balance is very important! We are unique and separate from each other and experience life differently than others. How we each handle life and what comes at us is very different. We need each other, but we definitely need ourselves to be strong and in control! It can be empowering to look for our inner solution to our outer difficulties.

Using attention and breath to work with the negative energy that comes our way will ensure a healthy and successful wellness journey! I encourage you to learn how to meditate, take breathing classes and get into Yoga so you can get that brain and body under control so you can take care of those around you. By you caring for yourself, everyone around you will benefit!!

Stay strong! We’ve got this. Tell me, are you willing to learn meditation, breathing or yoga? Are you willing to recognize that now is the time to make necessary changes in your life that you have been putting off doing for a long time? Contact m so we can work together to reach a healthy lifestyle together. It’s easier to do with someone holding you accountable, I know I need accountability!

Tina Butt, Owner Qualified Wellness Solutions, LLC

Health and Wellness Coach and Healthcare Advocate

Contact me to set up a 30 min complimentary discovery call