Tina Butt
People Pleasing/Social Problem Solving
Are you the one who uses others as a reason to do something or not to do something? DO you …
Tina Butt
Remove Sugar/Concentrated Sweets to Decrease Inflammation
Do you know how much sugar you consume in a day? I encourage you to keep a food log and …
Tina Butt
How and Where Do I Start? How to Develop Healthy Habits
https://youtu.be/VqjI8_mRmg0 Knowing where and how to start living an Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle will help you succeed!!! Instead of researching and questioning, …
Tina Butt
September 27, 2021: Recorded Post: 5 Simple Steps for Living an Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle
Tina Butt
August 2021: Stress Management Tool
My favorite TOOL to use during times of stress, anxiety or the feeling of panic. Spend some time watching this …