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Below you will find 2 worksheet with simple steps that you can take to begin working on your Healthy Lifestyle!
We have been talking about developing a positive mindset to help you reach your wellness Goals, without understanding why you do what you do and why you think the way you do, so you can succeed at changing to living a full-filled life of wellness.
Use the “How to Overcome the Fear of Failure” worksheet so you can understand why you may have “fallen off the wagon” in the past. Remember what we have already discussed, your thoughts are stories you have made up in your head. It’s time to review those thoughts, understand them and start to work on them! By redirecting your thoughts about who you really are, you will find that success can be easy to achieve.
Below you will find a link to a YouTube Video explaining the Square of life and why you should use it!
If you follow these TIPS as you work on YOU, you will begin to see and understand the reason why over the years you have developed some of the habits you are now trying to change!
I want you to spend time following these tips.
Get that journal out and start using it!
Let me know if you have concerns or trouble doing this exercise!
Be prepared to talk about it Jan 27th during our LIVE Q&A