Tina Butt
The Stress Behind Social Media
Stress! Have you ever thought of what causes you stress in your day to day life? A few years back …
Tina Butt
Combat Stress and Anxiety to Support Your Immune System
Do you wonder why there are times you feel great and other times that you feel under the weather? Stress …
Tina Butt
Do you ever feel like your brain is on FIRE!!
Burnout! OK, It has taken me some time to be able to discuss this with people! I feel like all …
Tina Butt
Can you heal yourself from chronic disease?
Do you believe that all disease is a result of stress? There are different types of stress: physical, emotional, chemical …
Tina Butt
Can’t Handle A Quarantine!?
Now is the time to listen to our bodies and minds. Stop what you are doing and reflect on what …
Tina Butt
Your Mindset Matters!
I know I have talked about mindset in the past, there is no better time than to reiterate the importance …
Tina Butt
We Will Get Through This!
I am feeling aggravated. What is happening with this virus, Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Why are people freaking out, buying all of …
Tina Butt
Manage Your Mindset!
I have talked about changing your mindset before in a previous blog. This is a topic that I, as you, …
Tina Butt
Emotional Eating
I took a survey of why people eat. I was not shocked to hear that most people do not eat …
Tina Butt
When do you know you are ready?
Ready for what? Ready to lose weight, stop eating crap, stop laying around, stop smoking, stop drinking, stop using drugs? …
Tina Butt
The Road to Wellness with Tina
What does wellness mean to you? The definition I found was “the state of being in good health”. So what …
Tina Butt
Stress affects your health and wellness
OK guys, I actually had an entirely different blog post written and ready to post, then I met someone who …